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Interior Design Trends: What’s In And What’s Out


Interior design trends come and go. What’s popular now may be too outdated in just a year or two. Of course, you can always keep up with them if that’s your personality. However, for those who simply want a decent and liveable house, it can be difficult to change their homes now and then.

So, what’s in and what’s out in interior design for this era? Here’s a quick and short guide.


What’s In

Indoor-outdoor living

The rage for plants isn’t going to be outdated for a while. After all, it’s always nice to have plants, greeneries, and just nature surrounding your comfort place. It brings a sense of serenity, plus improves your mood and focus too.

Leather furniture pieces

There’s always something about leather that exudes timelessness and class. Even if the pieces are 10-30 years old, they’re still in style no matter what. Some furniture pieces may even look better if they show their wear and tear and age.

Personalized walls and shelves

Your home should always reflect your personality. Then and now, it’s always nice to see the faces of your kids, you on your wedding day, you on your graduation day, and other important memories of your life. It will never grow old even in the generations to come.


What’s out

Too much minimalism

Minimalism is good, but not if it’s at the cost of being boring. Do you want to add a pop of color or display a bold pattern? Do it! Keeping the aesthetics is great but it’s important that you’re happy with how your home looks.

Always keeping it presentable

Of course, a presentable home is always a delight. But, you don’t have to keep it this way every day. Some may call them a mess; but if those are what makes them easier for your day-to-day living, keep them that way.

Pinterest everything

Pinterest may give an illusion that every home should be built upon aesthetics. There’s nothing wrong with getting inspiration from it, but you shouldn’t copy everything about it. After all, those homes are made for photographs and not to be livable.

Elanvital Enclaves offer a beautiful and masterfully designed home in Laguna and Cavite. They’re located near major public highways and expressways like the South Luzon Expressway and Cavite-Laguna Expressway. This gives you easy access to important facilities like hospitals, schools, workplaces, malls, parks, and more.

For more information, visit Elanvital Enclaves or contact its sales at +63 9271440196.
