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How To Keep Your Home Cool This Summer


The hottest days of the summer are fast approaching, and it’s very important to keep your living spaces as cool as possible. This doesn’t just make summers more bearable but also keeps your electricity spending in control of excessive air conditioning.

It’s almost unavoidable to skip the notorious humidity during summer in the Philippines. However, there are different clever hacks to cool down your home amid the high temperature.


Clean your cooling appliances

Before the temperatures spike, clean your cooling appliances like electric fans, air coolers, and air conditioners. This allows them to run more efficiently and prevents them from overheating due to constant use. This is a nifty hack that keeps your house cool and the power bill down.


Switch to light-colored curtains

Darker colors absorb more heat, but light colors reflect it. This quick science trick can be used in your curtains. While installing dark-colored curtains can be a pop of color or visual contrast for your home, it’s not practical during the summer.


Surround your space with plants

Plants are natural temperature regulators. They generate more moisture as they produce moisture into the air. Keep peace lilies and rubber plants as they work best during humid conditions. Plus, it keeps you happy and boosts your mood and focus.


Seal gaps in window and door frames

If you’re using air-conditioning in your bedroom or throughout the house, make sure you seal any possible gaps in window and door frames. This keeps air circulation and cooling more efficient as the heat doesn’t have a place to seep in.


Take quick but frequent showers

The best way to cool down your body is to take a quick yet frequent shower. It’s a proven effective hack because it lets the body heat escape your system. Remember that the reason for taking these showers isn’t because you’re not clean, so you don’t have to soak for too long.


Open your windows if it’s safe

What’s great about summers in the Philippines is, it’s still breezy. It may be scorching hot but you can still take advantage of the summer breeze by opening your windows. It’s refreshing to simply feel the wind blow during the hottest of days.

Houses in Elanvital Enclaves are designed around the Philippine weather, so you can assure to have a cooler home during summer. Plus, their communities are full of greeneries and facilities where kids and families can gather during summer.

For more information, visit Elanvital Enclaves or contact its sales at +63 9271440196.
