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How To Make Your Home Pet-friendly


Consider your dog’s (or cats’) specific demands when designing a home for both you and them. Consider if you want to place your door-dashing dog on a busy street. 

Inspect any spots where your pet may gain access by climbing or jumping. Here are some potential hazards to look out for (though they may not be all of them): 

Keep cords covered or unplugged

Look for hazards such as choking, strangling, and electricity. Window treatment cords should be kept short and cut through any loops, and wires and electrical cords should be unplugged or covered. Cats are fond of playing with cords and wires and may cause great danger, not just for them but for the entire household as well. 

Leave human foods and drugs out of the reach of pets. 

Remove “ladders” that curious pets can use to gain access to elevated areas such as worktops and tabletops. To avoid pets from going through perishable trash, dispose of it on a daily basis. Between trips to the curb, use baking soda and a tight-fitting lid to keep garbage odors (and pet temptations) at bay.

Clean up particles laying around

If your pet gets into the trash, they can break chicken bones into shards and come into contact with choking hazards such as fruit seeds and cores—and your house will be a disaster. It is important to note that many fruit seeds contain natural pollutants that can cause potentially lethal cyanide poisoning in dogs: Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure, caffeine in coffee grounds and chocolate is hazardous, and sugar-free meals and Xylitol-containing gums can cause liver failure.

Keep the toilet lid closed 

To avoid poisoning, keep your toilet lid closed, especially if you use automatic bowl cleaners. Keeping the lid down also removes the risk of drowning.

Make sure screens and well-installed

The number of cats falling out of windows is a big possibility. If you must open windows, make sure the screens are strong and well-installed. Window guards are ineffective against cats, who may simply fit through the bars.

Your pets should always be considered whenever you’re making the big move. Even when you’re only doing remodeling or making your house also a home for your lovable pets. Cleaning and being aware of possible hazards will save you later on.

If you’re looking to purchase a house of your own, visit Elanvital Encalves or contact its sales at +63 9271440196.
