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Adulting 101: Should You Get A Roommate?


Condo living can get very expensive, especially if you live in the Metro. That’s why getting a roommate, with whom they can share living expenses, is becoming a more popular choice to ease the financial burden on the tenant. However, this doesn’t come without caveats.

Getting a roommate can both be a solution to financial strains and a hassle to your daily living, especially if you don’t match well together. Before having a roommate, here are some important considerations you need to know.


Missed payments should be expected

Don’t rely on your roommate’s payments for your monthly dues. Even if you set a deadline, it’s now always going to be followed because of different unforeseen circumstances. Whether they pay or not, you should always have extra money to pay your rent and utilities.


Irresponsible use of water and electricity

Splitting the bill with your roommate is great, but it can also be a disadvantage. Some roommates are irresponsible with using electricity and water, causing your monthly bill to spike. Of course, it’s your responsibility to remind them to save, but it doesn’t always work out.


Hoarding all the common space

In a condo, space is limited so you have to be wise about how you maximize it. Some Pinoys can be hoarders, which may further limit the already limited space in your unit. This can happen not only in your living or dining area, but also in cupboards, refrigerators, cabinets, and shelves.


House chores can be extra difficult

Keeping the house clean and running is already difficult, especially after a long day at work. If you have a roommate that doesn’t help or always postpones cleaning until it’s already too dirty, you may be forced to tidy up after them because a messy household can affect you too.


Less to almost no privacy at all

Living with a roommate means you have a shoulder to lean on during lonely days. However, it can be difficult to have your “me” time if you want one. As you share the space with another person, you have no choice but to co-exist.

There’s only so much you can do in a condo unit with limited space. What level up your living experience is the amenities such as a swimming pool, chapel, gym, half-basketball court, play area, and family lounge for the community.

Luckily, these are all included in condominium units of Elanvital Enclaves! Located conveniently near major roads and essential establishments, they have world-class facilities and affordable units, perfect for young professionals and starting families.

For more information, visit Elanvital Enclaves or contact its sales at +63 9271440196.
