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5 Ways To Make Your Bathroom Feel Expensive


There’s more to a home than meets the eye. You can decorate your home with beautiful wallpaper, a few paintings, or dim kitchen lighting. It’s all about making the most of your home space.

If you’re one to have guests over frequently, you should always tidy up your home—especially the lavatory. You can make your bathroom feel like a hotel bathroom without breaking the bank.

First off, keep the bathroom spotless at all times. This is a basic guide for any homeowner to follow. A clean bathroom means good hygiene. It’s not only for the benefit of your visitors, but more so of those who live at home.

Keep Everything Monochromatic

Not all hotels use bright colors. For a monochromatic look, some people choose to focus on just one color that is repeated throughout the bathroom. That color is typically white or gray, but you can elevate your bathroom by selecting a bold color, such as green or terracotta, or even mustard.

Find a good quality mat

Even the nicest bathrooms can be spoiled by old, overused mats. It is desirable to get a new mat and consider how it will fit into the overall design. Good mats require more maintenance, but they look fantastic, so they’re well worth it.

Put window or shower curtains

You can use non-transparent windows, interesting curtains, or pots with flowers. For example, bamboo looks pretty original, and it handles high humidity with ease. To hide flaws and make the room look fresher, drape tulle over the window. But make sure the fabric doesn’t reach the floor and doesn’t come in direct contact with water.

Keep things order in the sink 

Take cues from hotel rooms, which are all well-organized and tidy. You can also do so by taking the time to organize shampoo bottles, towels, and your rolls of tissues. 

Add some interest details

Adding some bright and interesting details can make even the simplest room look new and inviting. You can get cool-looking soap or a wicker basket for your towels; store your shampoo in pretty bottles; and store your toothbrushes in a pretty coaster instead of a regular glass.

Set up scented candles, vases with flowers, or a plate with rose petals near the sink to make the room smell nice. Some hotels decorate their bathrooms with things like statues and even old things. Why not do the same if you have a pretty body lying around?

Play with patterns and mosaics

Patterns and mosaics are also popular ways for hotel owners to get people to stay. Even one bathroom can have more than one kind of tile. There are three of them in a French hotel, and everything looks very stylish.

It’s always a good idea to give your home a personal touch and make it more interesting. With Elanvital Enclaves, you can be sure to find a house that fits both your style and your budget.

For inquiries about Elanvital Enclaves, contact +63 9271440196 or browse our websites for updates.
